Friday, January 23, 2015

The Inflation of “Deflategate”
By, Nick Macsata, not a journalist….
      We owe a big fat “Thank You” to the cacophony of buffoon journalists who have created the latest media created scandal to affect the minds of ‘Merica.  
      Truly…if it weren’t for the sanctimonious, self-righteous, yammering of the sports journalists inflating the subject of 2 pounds per square inch, we would otherwise be bored with see-sawing opinions regarding how the two teams who are about to square off in the Superbowl might actually play against one another. Rather than discuss the intricacies of the teams’ defensive schemes, offensive potential, coaching abilities, or winning potential we are instead delightfully cramming our vacuous selves with the sensationalized idea of integrity.  
      To use the word integrity in any part of the media’s coverage of this whole mess should actually make any intelligent person nauseous. If the media held any shred of integrity, journalists would attempt to objectively apply rational thought into the entire subject matter. I have yet to find an article on any of the major outlets (ESPN, NESN, CBS, Sports Illustrated, etc.) systemically applying an understanding to the process of game preparation. 
The facts are these:
      1) Every team in the NFL is allowed to prepare their game footballs to the quarterback’s preferences within the confines of the NFL rules.
      2) Every team in the NFL submits a number of game footballs to the referees for inspection prior to the start of the game.
      3) Game officials certify that the footballs are acceptable for game play.
      4) The footballs are transferred to the field of play in plain sight.
      5) Footballs are subject to the laws of physics.
      6) At some point during the AFC Championship game, the officials performed some action to rectify a problem with the New England Patriot’s game footballs’ pressure.
      7) The New England Patriots beat the Indianapolis Colts handily in the AFC Championship.

Here are the things that CANNOT BE TAKEN FOR FACT. The points below should be subject to scrutiny if we were to objectively review this entire affair. Unfortunately, the media is hyper-focused on none of these. Instead they are playing judge, jury, and executioner on the whole matter, and frankly I’m tired of it. I believe you should be as well:
      1) That the New England Patriots supplied game footballs for inspection at the required PSI.
      2) That the game officials performed their pre-game duties appropriately, and actually measured the PSI for rule conformance.
      3) That the game footballs stayed at the approved PSI from a heated area where they were inspected to a field of play where ground temperature is actually lower than air temperature.
     Anything other than the three points above should be considered farcical in nature...however the kangaroo court of public opinion has been swayed into believing that Tom Brady, Bill Belichick or their designees somehow manipulated the game footballs in some manner after they were inspected. If our friends in the media applied any logical thought, perhaps using the problem-solving principle devised by William of Ockham – otherwise known as Occam’s Razor we would find that among competing hypothesis, the one with the fewest assumptions should be selected.
     Applying Occam’s Razor would lead to this – Tom Brady selected 12 game footballs, he likely did not check the PSI, they were likely either slightly underinflated or just at the minimum at the time of his selection, but they felt right to the quarterback. The game footballs were then likely given to the Game Officials who also felt them, but did not likely check the PSI with a gauge (a not-uncommon practice in the NFL). During the game, the footballs likely lost additional pressure due to the laws of physics, at which time the game officials likely ‘felt’ the balls were underinflated. The game officials then likely rectified the problem. 

     There you have it, no conspiracy, no cheating, just plain circumstances converging to arrive at the point where new game footballs were given to the Patriots who consequently continued to romp the Colts.
     That being said, the media has taken this whole affair to the latest level of gonzo, wonky, crazy ideation. They have placed our entire sports consciousness into disarray casting doubt upon the ‘integrity of the sport’ and they have only themselves to blame for the lack of it as a result.